Saturday, July 5, 2008

34 weeks

So I have officially decided that people are getting uncomfortable being around me! Jason and I had several errands to run this morning and everywhere we went somebody had something to say to me! As we were walking into the grocery store, there was another lady beside us who stopped and told me to go ahead of her because I looked like I was struggling! I thought it was funny but didn't think anything else about it. Well as I'm picking up items on our list, 3 different people asked me if I was due any day now! Of course I let them know that I still have at least 3-6 weeks, but they didn't seem to believe me! Finally, Jason and I were checking out and as we are walking out the door, the manager asked if we needed any help to the car. Jason politely said "No, we've got it" and the manager said, "I'm talking about her, Do I need to help her to the car?!?".......Needless to say, I think I might stay indoors until this baby is born!

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