Tuesday, July 1, 2008


As I'm sitting here writing this, Miss Marlee has the hiccups! We've been getting them at least 2-3 times a day! It's soo cute! It feels like little kicks over and over in the same spot. I actually asked my OB at my last appointment if that was normal and he said absolutely yes! It's actually a good sign that her lungs and diaphragm are maturing! We are in our 33rd week now and I've already been having those lovely Braxton Hicks! I know they're not true contractions because they're so irregular! Plus Marlee has to stay in there at least another 4 weeks to be full-term! Mommy is getting excited and Daddy is getting nervous now that her arrival is creeping up on us, but I know that Jason is going to the best Daddy in the world! Marlee will have him wrapped around her finger!

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