Tuesday, July 29, 2008

37 weeks!

It's been 2 weeks since I've blogged, but Marlee and I have been having bi-weekly MD appointments with ultrasounds! You would think that I would be excited over having so many ultrasounds, but she's so big that you really can't see anything! Sadly going to the MD is always the highlight of my week because I can get out of the house! We are still on bed rest due to my blood pressure, but all my labs have stayed stable and the doctors are happy with our progress. Jay and I went this afternoon and Marlee was doing great, she passed her biophysical profile with flying colors! The ultrasound tech actually showed us that she has hair and lots of it! I was shocked, considering that I didn't have hair until I was 4!So that means bows for this little girl! When we got back to see the doctor they checked Marlee's heartbeat which was 150 and I was again measuring right at 37 weeks! I was also dilated to 2cm and 60% effaced! She told us that as a long as my labs stayed good that they would not induce me until August 11th, but to go ahead and mark the calendars for that day! How exciting! She also said that I may not make it 13 more days because I have been having very strong contractions (irregular, but strong) and since my cervix had made so much progress! So we'll see! Marlee will definitely be here by August 11th! I'm so excited! I can't wait to hold my baby girl in my arms! We go back Friday for another Non-Stress Test and will have another ultrasound August 5th to see how big she is! We did get one 3D pic but since she's so smooshed in there, its not too good. Also here is a pic of my belly. Hopefully it won't get any bigger, but I am proud to say that I don't have any stretch marks! yeah!


Anonymous said...

Katie, this is such good news! I know you are so anxious and excited to give birth and get this precious little one in your arms! I will keep praying and look forward to the big day!!!

Anonymous said...

Katie I am so happy for you two! I can't wait to see your little girl. You are going to be such a good mom. Man, seems like not long ago we were riding the bus to Northwood and now you are married and expecting your first child. I love you girl!